Bubble Tea Startups: How To Cook Assam Black Tea? (with pictures)

It is common to get stuck at the kitchen when you as the first timer trying to make a perfect milk teas for your upcoming venture. While cooking tea is not tough, there are some minor steps to take note so it would resulted in a smooth, non-bitter tea.

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Preparation of materials: Assam Black Tea leaves-30g, Boiling Water-1260cc
Preparation of utensils: Measuring jugs, Cooking Pot with Cover, Tea Flask / Container, Fine Siever, Weighing Scale, Timer, Stirrer.


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Bring the water to boil.

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After water has boiled, switch off the stove then remove the pot from the stove. Pour tea leaves into the pot and give it a quick stir.

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Cover up the pot then start the timer for 10 minutes.

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When time is up, filter the tea leaves with a fine siever and pour the tea into the tea flask.

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Ready to be serve into a Bubble Milk Tea!

Above recipe guide may be apply to other type of tea leaves. As tea leaves varies, our recipe guide goes best with Acorn's tea leaves. Adjust recipe according to personal preference. Shop for Acorn's tea leaves now!

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